With that said, work can't be any higher than #3 on my list of priorities. Yet, I feel that this week it got in the way of priority #2, exercise and health. I didn't eat well, and didn't do all of the things I had planned. I missed a run because of plantar fasciatis and didn't do a long ride this week. Instead of riding a planned 80 at a slow pace, I ended up riding 22 at a high pace.
See, exercise and health is a priority just above work. However, that comes in behind family. I decided that since I wasn't training for a race yet that I should blow off the long ride and spend the day with my family. They were heading to Tucson. My daughter helps with Guide Dogs for the Blind as a puppy raiser. There was a planned outing at Cold Stone Creamery (I didn't have any ice cream though).
Before hitting the ice cream shop we stopped by my in-laws house where there happened to be my favorite: peanut butter cookies. I had like 6 of them or so! That's why I skipped the ice cream. In my opinion, that was well played actually. :D
On the way home today I started thinking about the week's events. Last Sunday I rode a very difficult 62 miles. I ran 5 on Monday morning, followed by another 4 Tuesday morning. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons I lifted weights for 45 minutes and then used an aerobic exercise machine for 30 minutes. Thursday I used the elliptical machine for 45 minutes. Friday was the day off. Saturday I lifted for an hour then went on a two hour bike ride with my wife. This morning, I slammed through a 22 mile route in an hour. When I step back and look at it...that's a lot.
I just need to get back on the straight and narrow with diet. I've found a good source of fresh cookies, $0.69 each. I've also been eating too large of servings. That combined with additional stress had made for no weight loss the past two weeks.
My family reunion is Labor Day and I'd like to break 200 by then. I'm hovering around 205 right now. It's going to take some discipline at the plate. One big thing to help along those lines is planning. I've got quinoa, lots of squashes and lettuce ready to go for the week. We bought some wild salmon for dinner tonight and the week's meals are sound for balancing weight loss with fuel for exercising.
Unfortunately on the running front I've decided to give myself a full week off of running. The plantar fasciatis isn't a big deal, yet. I plan on keeping it that way. In the mean time, my left glute/hammy is still sore and troublesome. Between the two I think the best is to give it some more time. The thing is, I am VERY excited about training for a half marathon, and I know I need to be healthy before I start. That means I'll lift 4 times again this week, and if the weather permits (last week it did not), I should 140 to 160 miles on the ole bike.
Now, one of the things I plan on doing this year at school is wearing a tie everyday except Friday (I usually wear a school t-shirt on Fridays). Tuesday was the first day of class, so I had 3 days of tie wearing this week. Here are the proofs. Quite a change from having a huge beard just a short time ago. The pictures are in order, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

You can break 200 in the next couple of weeks if you keep the carbs below 50 grams per day.