Sunday, March 4, 2012

Birthday 5K with Dad

I received an email this afternoon from a local race director that he is opening a new 5K.  It happens to be on my dad's birthday.  I thought it would be awesome if I could get my sisters and brother to join, make a family outing of the ordeal.

I'm the oldest and spent timing running with my dad when I was a kid.  But he hit a string of injuries (namely Achilles) in his mid 30's that eventually putting running, and then all exercise, on the shelf for him.  Those memories of my father running are distant memories, not the man I grew up knowing, really. 

Over the last year or so he's recommitted himself to weight loss and an active lifestyle.  He's lost about 90 pounds and is up to running an hour at a time, three times a week, as well as going to the gym and riding his bike.  He suffered an Achilles injury in September, then another in January and is currently in physical therapy.  However, he can run safely, though walks with a limp! (I've taken to calling him Seabiscuit!)

My youngest sister is active, riding a bike and running frequently.  She may have a work related issue, but I'm going to lean on her hard to get out of it.  My oldest sister has agreed ... but I'm going to have to lay on some guilt to make sure she follows through!  She doesn't run and just started running a bike.  My brother, the youngest, has recently began an on-again, off-again relationship with running.  He might be the toughest to get to join us because of his schedule and so on. 

I had agreed that I wouldn't run any races the month before my bike race (for which I'm training now), and this falls exactly 21 days before the race.  But, I think this is well worth it. 

How cool would that be for all of us to run with him on his birthday? 

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