Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finally Healthy, and some costume pics.

I think I'm finally healthy.  My injured hip complains rarely, and only when I first start going down hill.  The hills don't hurt once I'm properly warmed up.  It's been a LONG time, since the end of June.  I'm very happy about my current condition.

I've started my half marathon training, along with training for the Tour de Tucson, which I may not join.  I may not have the money for it.  The idea is that I'll alternate long rides and long runs, one per week.  I have noticed some significant improvements in my riding lately.  What's funny is that, like last time, the jumps in speed and power are seemingly out of nowhere.  All of a sudden instead of struggling to maintain a 14 mph average on these particular hills, I'm cruising at 18 to 19 mph!  If you're wondering about tailwind...nope, done it consistently the past three rides.

With the change in seasons there is less fresh fruit around.  Much of what remains isn't so great.  As a result I've not been eating as well as I was over the summer.  Also, with it getting colder outside, it's been tough to haul my butt out of bed in the mornings and go to the gym.  I've not skipped any runs or rides, but the gym has seen decreasingly less of me since school started.  I need to recommit to going to the gym more frequently and to work on my diet.

In addition to those things, I'd forgotten what a commitment training really is.  I run before work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I am supposed to go the gym in the mornings on Tuesday and Thursday.  I ride Tuesday and Thursday.  Saturday is a long ride or long run.  It's tough to do all of those things with a full time job, a part time job, meetings after school, totting kids around and so on.  I'm beat!

I did miss my long ride last week.  I decided to tune up my bike before the ride and noticed some fancy cracks in my Bontrager RaceLites.  My trusted bike shop owner warned me of them and told me what to look for.  I purchased a new set of Mavic wheels and am now riding in style.

This past week was Spirit Week at the high school.  I decided to participate.  :D  Here's Tacky Tuesday:

I worked hard to be tacky without being over the top.  A coworker saw me and said hello.  I asked how I pulled off tacky...she stopped and said, "Oh, good.  I wasn't going to say anything because you look awful!"  

She thought I dressed that way out of poor taste, not in the spirit of Tacky Tuesday.  SCORE!

Wednesday was nerd day.  I had to learn to tie a real bow tie.  That sucked.  I learned a lot about those that wear bow ties.  They don't do things by accident.  

Now the last was Western Thursday.  I got a big ole grin to go along with my outfit.

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