Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3 Cycle Commute ... I think I can jog!

This morning, morning 3, was the first where I woke excited about my ride to work. Day 1 I was nervous, day 2 I was tired. But this morning, I couldn't wait to hop on and go!

There's no shoulder on the entire 6 mile ride to work. But, there's little traffic that time and it's ok, save one part. There's a short bridge that is even more narrow than the road and it's right after a T intersection down which is a cement factory. So, lots of congestion there and big trucks. Sure enough today I was passed by a dump truck and got sprayed with gravel! But, the truck slowed and went wide around me and for that I was grateful.

I got to work and remembered that I forgot to bring my lunch...a protein shake (I chug it and ride to the gym). But, someone gave me a dark chocolate almond candy bar and I happened to bring an extra peach. So, I ate half of the chocolate and the peach and called it good.

While I skipped the gym yesterday because of missing my daughter, dead legs and weather, I did go on a 10 mile ride with my wife. Today I went to the gym and had a nice tailwind to help take me there. I wasn't pushing but was cruising along at 22 to 25 and when the wind really kicked I was cruising at 28 mph! It was so fun. I had a good workout and I'm drained now but feel awesome anyway.

Now for the running news. I have a 5k race this weekend. I'm not going to run hard, but think I will be able to run it! I'm going to shoot for nothing faster than 10 minute miles. I think I can run because the flexibility is returning and I can jog pain free down the hall. I've not laced up my shoes or anything, but my hamstring feels pretty good.

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