Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1 Commuting Review

This week I am going to commute from home to work (vacation is over), to the gym, then home. The total trip is only 17 miles. The difficult part will be packing clothes and food and of course weather.

The morning's trip was uneventful. 6 mile shot, almost all down hill. I was at work, in my classroom, in well under 20 minutes.

I changed clothes and was glad to not have forgotten any garments. It was early, before the heat, and about as easy as a ride as I could hope for so I wasn't stinky...until I got to school. The air conditioner in my new room is DEAD. They couldn't fix it today either. I was stinky by the time class was over!

But, the stuff I was in charge of went well. Snacks, no problems. Fluids went well, no problems.

Right now I'm teaching a type of summer school that is from 8 to 12, Monday through Friday. I eat a banana and something light at noon, go to the gym and workout, then eat again when I get home.

When I got to work, I went to prop the outside door open with a large rock. Out from behind the rock jumped one of these:

When it's time to leave work it's lightly raining, but no lightning or thunder, so I'm good to go. A bit windy and wet for the 7 miles or so to the gym, but nothing bad. I worked out for 35 or 40 minutes working on core and arms (arms are my fun day), then headed home. Still overcast (thankfully) and humid (a nice treat sometimes) and done.

All in all, I'm all grins. I'm not sure this is something I'd like to do permanently here because there aren't any bike lanes and very few shoulders. But I'm going to give it the old college try for the week. That'll be about 85 miles of commuting, plus whatever riding for exercise I throw in later.

The thing that surprised me is how tired my legs are. I guess because each section is broken down into about 6 mile segments I feel like I don't have to pace myself. So, I'm zipping along on the flat stuff 20 to 22 mph and hammering out the small hills, up and down. Not sure that's going to be sustainable.

As far as running goes, I'm still on the shelf. :( I've got a 5K run on Saturday. I will go and at least walk. If I can run it was be a very light jog. The hamstring is just not right! Luckily it's something that isn't bothered by riding!

Until next time boys and girls, happy running!

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