Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 2 Review and a Funny Story

I'm about to hurt my shoulder.

I did a good job last week, if I may say so myself. 

Yup, patting myself on the back!

My goals for Week #2 were:

  1. No cookies
  2. Keep a Food Journal
  3. Sleep Well
  4. Stay Injury Free
Cookies:  I did well.  I had one on accident, literally.  During a meeting I was starving.  There was a plate of cookies and I grabbed one.  Only after I ate it did I realize it was a cookie!  I could've said, "In for a penny in for a pound," but I stopped there.

Food Journal:  Yes, and I'm glad I did.  I am discovering things in my diet that need refinement, some things surprising.  For example, I don't eat much bread (maybe 2 pieces a week), no potatoes and of course this week, no cookies.  Still, my carbohydrate intake was 68% and my protein was about 16% this week.  Perhaps increasing the protein will help with repairing muscle damage?  I've been quite sore this week.

Sleeping problem in week 2.

Injury free, yup, good to go there too.

I completed all workouts, though the long ride was about 7 miles short.  I ended up riding my bike to Tucson, to my parent's house.  They lived 68 miles away and my ride called for 75.  That said, I averaged 21.5 mph, but the downhill nature of the ride and a tailwind helped!

I ran a total of 22 miles and rode 164.  I had two good sessions at the gym.  

Last week my weight loss wasn't as dramatic, which was good.  I lost 4 pounds in week one but just one in week 2.  The thing that concerns me is that in week two my body fat went up, while the weight went down, meaning I lost muscle.  So I'll be increasing my protein this week. 

During week three I will be resting a bit.  It's been over two full weeks since I had a day with nothing.  My long ride will be just 50 miles and I'll be taking it easy because this Saturday I have my first duathalon.  It's a 2 mile run, 16 mile ride, 2 mile run.  I'm hoping my hamstring will behave for me.  I want to compete but have no idea what to expect, how I'll do or anything.  Since I've been injured I've not done any brick training for a month, and I had just barely started. 

So, Week 3 Goals Are:
  1. No cookies
  2. Food journal
  3. Sleep Well
  4. Rest Well
Story time:

Yesterday I was at the University of Arizona with my family.  My daughters raise guide-dogs for the blind and the weekly outing was at the UofA.  While there I reminisced.  I remembered Larry.  Larry and I were both math majors.  Larry was a nice guy, short and squat, loved to talk, had opinions on everything, but was a nice young man.  As such, he wasn't so great with the ladies.

Then one day, the stars were aligned, or something.  It was a Thursday morning, like any other, at first glance.  Except that day, Larry was studying alone in the math building.  The usual crew, myself included, were nowhere in sight.  And yet, as it turned out, the day was exactly like all the others for Larry.

A squadron of cheerleaders showed up looking to cram for their upcoming college algebra test.  Larry was there, loved to talk, had complete mastery of college algebra, and was very willing to help.  Larry told the story ... he helped, the laughed, he talked, they touched his arm, looked at him, paid full attention to what he said. 

Then ...  he sneezed ...

and at that exact moment ...


He quickly collected his things and left without response.  His embarrassment was without measure.  But it was such a good story that he could not keep it to himself either. 

And making this a Disney story, Larry is a trust fund baby, who found a perfect match.  He's happily adjusted and doing well. 

With that said, happy running. 

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