Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week In Review ... and the FEAR of DNF

This was my hardest week of training, ever, for anything. 

I rode and ran 220 miles.  I was going to log a recovery ride today, but think I've done enough.  My race is two weeks and I need to rely on the work I've done and rest, stay healthy and develop a game plan!

Tuesday and Thursday are ride workouts.  Both were, according to me, insane.  Tuesday was a 50 mile tempo ride in the wind.  I didn't maintain by average because of the wind, but am not disappointed with my effort.  I still rode 50 miles after work.  Thursday was a 40 mile hill ride with 8 substantial climbs. 

Saturday I rode 113 miles with almost 3000 feet of climbing.  My long rides have been Sundays, and my legs were tired Saturday morning.  But, I was riding with someone and so it was pushed forward a day.  I feel strong on the bike!  I think my goal of 6 total hours for El Tour de Tucson is attainable.

However, three weeks after that, five weeks from today, I have a half marathon.  I've only run twice in the past two weeks due to trying to allow an injury to heal.  I ran 7 miles Wednesday and it was slow.  I went as fast as the hip/knee/hamstring issue would allow me to run without pain. 

I woke up Tuesday night worried about seeing DNF beside my name on the race results for the half marathon.  That's terrifying!  DNF, if you don't know, is an acronym for DID NOT FINISH.  I'm worried about my leg hurting and having to drop out of the race.  I would be terrible embarrassed and ashamed.  The very idea of such could turn my stomach if I thought on it long enough.

Writing this reminded me to ice my knee.  So pause, kitchen, ice, bedroom, wrap, ...back to the computer and my leg is cold. 

This morning I woke up and read an article on century riding on  It suggested a maximum number of centuries ride for various levels of experience.  Um...I went over my annual allotment this month.  I did some research on over training and believe I'm fine.  File that under hear all, follow none. 

Anyhow, I hope all had a great week and have another to come!

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