Friday, July 1, 2011

What's going on?

At this point I'm a bit mad at myself for letting things get so out of hand. That is, that I allowed myself to deteriorate to the extent that I was completely sedentary.

Now I'm paying for it. Now my current punishment is preferable to diabetes or something like that, but ... it's frustrating.

Three weeks ago I had to take a week off of running because of a sore Achilles/Soleus on my right leg. It just wasn't recovering and became increasingly painful.

Last weekend I stepped in a whole while running. I jammed my left knee doing so. Monday the knee was a bit tender, but I ran and it felt better. Tuesday morning my entire left leg hurt. I ran Thursday, just 3 miles, real slow. This morning, my left hamstring started cramped after 2 miles! I tried to jog it out, but no dice.

Looks like I'll be back on the bike again for a while. I will add some hamstring strengthening exercises to my regular routine.

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